1. Help Center
  2. Accessing Localgov

How do I create a new account?

Click sign up, choose a password, and select your security questions.

  1. Go to the Localgov welcome page: https://lata.localgov.org.
  2. On the Welcome Page click Sign Up.

  3. Enter the required information, including your first and last name, email address, and create a password.

  4. Passwords are case-sensitive, must be at least 8 characters long, contain at least one lowercase character, at least one uppercase character, and at least one number.

  5. Select your security questions and enter your answers.
    • Please choose the first security question from the drop-down list and provide an answer.
    • For the second security question, you’ll need to create your own question and answer.
  6. Click Submit.

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If you need future assistance please contact Localgov Customer Service: